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How to trade $PICA on Pablo

This introductory guide explores how users can trade PICA on Pablo, as well as other tokens such as KSM, USDT and DOT. Pablo is a new-generation Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and the first protocol to launch on Picasso.

How to trade on Pablo

  1. On, go to the ‘Swap’ page. Connect your wallet if necessary. Read our guides how to create and connect a wallet.


  1. To initiate a token swap for PICA, choose the token you wish to trade from the available options of USDT, KSM, and DOT. In this guide, we will use DOT for the swap.


By clicking the 'settings' ⚙️ icon, users can change the token utilized for paying gas fees, adjust their slippage tolerance and change the input to the USD value or the number of tokens.



Slippage on decentralized exchanges is the difference between the expected and actual price of a trade, caused by asset volatility and low liquidity. It can impact trade cost and profitability.

  1. Once you have specified an amount for the selected pair you want to trade, press "Swap". You will be asked to sign the transaction using your password.


  1. Once your transaction is complete, a 'Transaction success' message will appear to confirm the transaction. You can view your transaction details on Subscan by clicking 'click to view'.


You have now successfully completed a token swap on Pablo. Further user guides are available for interacting with Picasso, Pablo and Centauri here.